Get Ready for the DotCloud Boom

Get Ready for the DotCloud Boom

At the very onset of what we now refer to as the “dotcom boom,” nobody knew what was going on. Nobody knew the phrase dotcom boom yet, they only knew there was something big happening. Nobody could quite put their finger on what it was, but they wanted in. Many of those who got in early became fabulously wealthy very quickly.

Today we find ourselves in a similar situation.

We are at the beginning of a tremendous wave of transformative cloud-driven innovation that will surpass the innovation and wealth generated during the earlier dotcom boom. This sweeping trend will be driven by simplified business models, as-a-service offerings that reduce the barriers to entry and a new demand for heightened levels of service. It is forever changing how we do business, how we interact with one another, and it will change the very nature of how we define a company. More importantly, cloud has already begun to change the nature of startups and entrepreneurship, giving more people a seat at the table.

The framework of this new boom time is already in place, and we all know it as the “cloud.” Its evolution has morphed the cloud from being a mere set of technologies, to being much more than the sum of its parts — and the catalyst for everything from transforming old-style manufacturing, to creation of born-in-the-cloud alternatives. It is at the heart of the current redefinition of what we think of as a “job.” It is the trigger for a new wave of entrepreneurship.


Courtesy: entrepreneur

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